Saved a bunch of money over having to pay to convert my dryer! This kit was well-priced, arrived promptly and was pretty easy to install. The instructions are a bit difficult to follow, so I found a video at: which made the job much easier. We’ve used the dryer a couple of times now and it’s worked very well. If you’re somewhat handy, go ahead and get this kit. Oh, yeah…be sure to wear thin leather gloves, as there are a couple of tiny parts in the dryer that will shred…
OASD 12×20 Inch Built in Gas Cooktop 2 Burners Gas Stove Cooktop Stainless Steel Cooktop Gas Hob with Liquid Propane Conversion Kit Thermocouple Protection and Easy to Clean
Everything needed was in the bag! With this kit we replaced all the wheels and bearings alon...
NEW W10619844 Latch, Lid Lock Compatible for Whirlpool Washer made by OEM Manuafcturer, W10059230, 8563937, PS11756782, WPW10619844VP, AP6023438 by Primeco – 1 YEAR WARRANTY
I used this kit to convert our dryer from natural …
Saved a bunch of money over having to pay to convert my dryer! This kit was well-priced, arrived promptly and was pretty easy to install. The instructions are a bit difficult to follow, so I found a video at: which made the job much easier. We’ve used the dryer a couple of times now and it’s worked very well. If you’re somewhat handy, go ahead and get this kit. Oh, yeah…be sure to wear thin leather gloves, as there are a couple of tiny parts in the dryer that will shred…